I love my job! I get to work with people I love and respect, and I get to go to very cool places. We are doing a small meeting in Antwerp, which is a beautiful little city in Belgium. Great people, great architecture, great food, great beer (and lots of different beer!), an easy city to explore on foot, it really has all of the elements! Here are some quick images. Note the one of Steve getting worked... he had just set up a shot when a tram comes rolling RIGHT in front of him... priceless!
Well, another day of soft rain. I actually like this weather (to a point), it seems to take the edges off the day, and makes the day feel almost endless. I went out between the showers to grab a few more shots.
Today has brought a beautiful, steady rain. One of those great, soft, soaking rains that just makes you want to climb back into bed... So of course I ran outside, got soaked and grabbed some shots of the plants and flowers loving this cool spring wet. Enjoy!